OXLEY Dry Gin 70cl
OXLEY Dry Gin is carefully crafted using a revolutionary process that distills at below -5C resulting in very small batches of exceptionally fresh, bright and smooth tasting gin. OXLEY feel that the superlative spirit that results from this unique distillation process justifies all of their attention to detail and handcrafted effort; even for the small quanitity that they can produce each day.
With 14 botanticals offering fantastic flavours such as juniper and grapefruit, lemon and oranges, the other 10 botanicals include meadowsweet, vanilla, aniseed, orris root, liquorice root, cocoa, grains of paradise, cassia bark, nutmeg and coriander.
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The result means that OXLEY Dry Gin is bright and clear to taste. Zingy grapefruit and a lively juniper define the gin, but it’s rounded by other citrus and is incredibly smooth despite a relatively high ABV of 47%.
Country | England |
Volume (cl) | 70 |
ABV (% vol) | 47 |
Gin Style | Premium Gin |