Langley's Old Tom Gin Small Batch 100% Grain Spirit 70cl
Langley's Old Tom Gin Small Batch 100% Grain Spirit 70cl is a perfect example of sweetened gin that was popular back in the 18th and 19th century.
Perfect for a Tom Collins or a Martinez, this gin os part of Langley’s Distillery, that was founded almost a century ago by the Palmer family, who still own it today. The split & blend of botanicals, the selection of grain spirit and the alcohol strength were the key components for that balance that deliver a classic, timeless Old English style gin.
A rich, soft, round palate, yielding to a sweet, medium body of candied ginger, orange peel and lemon zest, with accents of violets, rose-water and anise, provide the nicely-balanced, traditional flavour of this lightly-sweetened gin
Read more...ABV: 40%