Ketel One Vodka 70cl
Ketel One Vodka 70cl is made at the Nolet Distillery in Schiedam, Holland and has been producing the highest quality spirits for ten generations, inspired by over 300 years of family distilling expertise. The process begins with the careful selection of the finest European wheat, which brings smoothness, purity and neutrality to crafting Ketel One Vodka. Part of the ultra wheat spirit is re-distilled in small batch copper pot stills, including the original coal-fired Distilleerketel #1 or Pot Still Number 1. The Master Distiller carefully oversees the marrying of a portion of the Master Pot Still Blend, a portion of the ultra wheat spirit and water. The final product is Ketel One Vodka, the perfect marriage of old world pot still craft
Read more...and modern distilling techniques. Each final production run is approved by a member of the Nolet family. The purpose of this extensive production process and associated effort is to make a truly exceptional vodka. Sophisticated and crisp, this is Ketel One Vodka.
Spirit Brand | Ketel One |
Country | The Netherlands |
Volume (cl) | 70 |
ABV (% vol) | 40 |
Vodka Style | Pure |