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Ciroc Vodka Mango 70cl
Ciroc Vodka Mango 70cl is distilled from fine French grapes for an exquisitely smooth, fresh vodka experience. The essence of Ciroc Ultra Premium Vodka is distilled a fifth time at the historic Distillerie de Chevanceaux in the South of France, and finished in a tailor-made copper pot. Ciroc Mango Vodka 70cl is a rich tasting spirit, masterfully infused with a distinctive blend of mango and other natural flavours, resulting in a taste experience that is lusciously different and elegantly smooth.
Ciroc Vodka Mango is designed to be enjoyed on it's own, on the rocks or as part of a cocktail.
Read more...Spirit Brand | Ciroc |
Country | France |
Volume (cl) | 70 |
ABV (% vol) | 37.5 |
Vodka Style | Flavoured |
Vodka base | Grape |
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