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Absolut Vodka Mango 70cl
Absolut Vodka Mango 70cl is a premium vodka, distilled from grain grown in the rich fields of southern Sweden. Absolut Mango is the perfect choice for fruity cocktails because unlike many other vodkas, Absoult Mango contains no added sugar which makes is ideal for mixing.
The Absolut distillery in Nobbelov is the most energy efficient distillery in the world. Since 2004, they have halved their energy consumption.
Fruity and full-bodied with notes of tropical fruit and a genuine character of ripened mango.
Spirit Brand | Absolut |
Country | Sweden |
Volume (cl) | 70 |
ABV (% vol) | 40 |
Flavour | Mango |
Vodka Style | Flavoured |
Vodka base | Grain |
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