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Nikka Coffey Vodka 70cl
Nikka Coffey Vodka 70cl is produced by Nikka Whisky, integrating its decades of experience in distilling white spirits and blending whiskies. The secret behind the extremely smooth and delicate taste is the distillation in a "Coffey Still", a traditional continuous still which produces Nikka's signature grain whiskies. Selected distillate made from corn and barley are blended by experts and carefully refined with white birch charcoal. This purest expression of the Nikka Coffey range perfectly captures the exquisite fullness brought by the Coffey Still.
ABV: 40%
Spirit Brand | The Nikka Whisky Co |
Country | Japan |
Volume (cl) | 70 |
ABV (% vol) | 40 |
Vodka base | Barley, Corn |
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